
The Report Card (American Enterprise Ins...
Nat Malkus | Timothy Shanahan
Teaching Reading With Grade Level Text
Timothy Shanahan
Science of Reading and Secondary Educati...
Timothy Shanahan
Shanahan Reading Instruction Model
Timothy Shanahan
Should We Match Texts to Students' Readi...
Timothy Shanahan
The Science and Unscience of Reading
Timothy Shanahan
Science of Reading Levels
Timothy Shanahan
Teaching Students to Read Disciplinary T...
Timothy Shanahan
How to Provide Effective Reading Instruc...
Timothy Shanahan
Literacy Policy for English Learners
Timothy Shanahan & Jana Echevarria
Science of Reading
Timothy Shanahan
What Constitutes a Science of Reading In...
Timothy Shanahan

One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.