


Timothy Shanahan is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chi­cago where he was Founding Di­rector of the UIC Center for Literacy. Previously, he was director of reading for the Chicago Public Schools. He is author/editor of more than 300 publications on literacy education. His research emphasizes the improvement of reading achievement, teaching reading with challenging text, reading-writing relationships, the and disciplinary literacy.

Tim is past president of the International Literacy Association. He served as a member of the Advisory Board of the National Institute for Literacy under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and he helped lead the National Reading Panel, convened at the request of Congress to evaluate research on the teaching reading, a major influence on reading education. He chaired two other federal research review panels: the National Literacy Panel for Language Minority Children and Youth, and the National Early Literacy Panel, and helped write the Common Core State Standards.

He was inducted to the Reading Hall of Fame in 2007, and is a former first-grade teacher.

Current Activities
*Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Chicago *Chair, William S. Gray Award Committee, International Literacy Association. *Literacy Advisor, What Works Clearinghouse, Institute of Education Science *Principal Member, Institute of Education Science, Grant Proposal Review Panel *Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Knowledge Matters Campaign *Member, Board of Advisors, Reading is Fundamental *Member, Professional Advisory Board, Center for Development & Learning, New Orleans, LA *Member, Board of Visitors, Learning Research & Development Center, University of Pittsburgh *Member, Editorial Review Board, Review of Educational Research *Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Educational Psychology *Member, Editorial Review Board, Scientific Studies in Reading *Member, Editorial Review Board, Reading Research Quarterly *Member, Editorial Review Board, Reading & Writing Quarterly *Member, Editorial Review Board, Reading Psychology *Member, Editorial Review Board, The Reading Teacher *Author, Wonders (K-6) Reading Program, McGraw-Hill *Author, StudySync (Grades 6-12), McGraw-Hill *Author, Amplify Atlas Assessment *Author, Amplify The Last Readers Close Reading
*Timothy and Cynthia Shanahan were awarded the P. David Pearson Award for Scholarly Influence by the Literacy Research Association for their work on disciplinary literacy *ILA Timothy and Cynthia Shanahan Outstanding Dissertation Award instituted
Visiting Professorship and Expert Witness
Served as Visiting Research Professor, Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Provided expert testimony in legal case, Governor Bobby Jindal v. U.S. Department of Education. Case is adjudicated on the basis of Shanahan’s analysis.
Awards and Recognitions
Shanahan article, “The Common Core Ate My Baby,” receives Distinguished Achievement Award for Learned Article from the Association of Educational Publications. Inductee, University of Delaware Wall of Fame Receives William S. Gray Citation of Merit, International Literacy Association Literacy Award from LEADER (ILA Special Interest Group)
Distinguished Professor
Receives Distinguished Professor designation from the University of Illinois at Chicago
Helped Author Common Core State Standards
Common Core State Standards are issued and are eventually adopted as the basis of K-12 education in more than 40 states. Shanahan served on the English Language Arts Work Team and helped write the standards.
Researcher of the Year
Researcher of the Year in the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago
National Early Literacy Panel
Early Childhood Literacy, the report of the National Early Literacy Panel, is issued. Shanahan chaired the panel.
Inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame
Elected President of the International Literacy Association, a professional group with more than 50,000 members worldwide. Developing Literacy in Second-Language Learners, the report of the National Literacy Panel for Language Minority Children and Youth. Shanahan chaired the panel.
Expert Witness
Shanahan’s research and testimony are cited in federal case law (Memisovski v. Maram, No. 92 C 1982), a case lauded by the American Academy of Pediatrics as “an enormous victory” for children’s health care).
Illinois Reading Council Hall of Fame
Inducted to the Illinois Reading Council Hall of Fame
Chicago Public Schools
Hired as Director of Reading, Chicago Public Schools, and spearheads effective school improvement efforts in 600 schools.
“Report of the National Reading Panel” is published; Shanahan led the research methodology and fluency committees. Report becomes basis of $5 billion in reading programs through No Child Left Behind law.
Receives Albert J. Harris Award for Outstanding Research on Reading Disability from the International Literacy Association for his critical analysis of Reading Recovery.
Project FLAME, a family literacy program for Spanish-speaking immigrants developed by Tim Shanahan, receives Academic Excellence Award from the U.S. Department of Education.
Creates the UIC Center for Literacy, which develops and delivers innovative programs in schools, workplaces, homes, and healthcare. Center attracts $60 million in funding under Shanahan’s leadership.
Receives the Milton D. Jacobson Readability Research Award from the Readability Special Interest Group (ILA) for research on cloze testing.
Receives Silver Circle Award for Teaching, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Receives PhD in Education from the University of Delaware

Partners and Affiliations


One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.