Literacy Blogs

09 June, 2018

Should We "Platoon" Reading Instruction

Teacher question: We are trying to raise our third-grade reading scores. What do you think of “platooning” to help us meet that goal? Shanahan response: Platooning, or what in my time was called “departmentalization,” is apparently on the rise in America’s primary grades. Schools like yours are hungry to raise reading and math achievement, and this looks like an inexpensive way to do it. It costs nothing to have classrooms departmentalized rather than self-contained: it requires no additional teachers; there are no added professional development costs; there are no added textbook, computer, or other instructional materials costs; and many teachers love the idea of no longer being responsible for subjects that ...

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02 June, 2018

What Should Small Group Reading Instruction Look Like?

Teacher question: I've been bringing my shared reading teaching into my small groups. The students read a text during shared reading and we spend time analyzing the text and really digging in—nuances of the language, comprehension of the text, vocabulary, and so on. From there we move into small groups where students answer standards-based questions about the text.   My concern at this point is this: I find myself doing pretty much the same lesson in small groups for all the groups. Should I be doing this (answering standards-based questions) in the whole group instruction? Then what about small groups? What do they look like? Part of the difficulty I experience ...

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28 May, 2018

Where Questioning Fits in Comprehension Instruction: Skills and Strategies Part II

Blast from the Past: This blog was first posted on May 28, 2018, and reposted on March 19, 2022. It didn't arouse a lot of comment originally, but recently I've been getting queries that suggest these issues are still out there. I want to emphasize the problem that I'm addressing isn't that teachers are asking comprehension questions (that is a good practice). But, the idea that certain kinds of questions will lead students to be better comprehenders is a fool's errand. Teachers need to get kids doing things that will allow them to think deeply about the content of rich ...

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19 May, 2018

Comprehension Skills or Strategies: Is there a difference and does it matter?

Blast from the Past: This blog first posted May 19. 2018 and was re-posted on February 19, 2022. These days arguments over reading comprehension tend to pose strategy teaching against developing world knowledge. Accordingly, this piece may appear to be outdated. It is nothing of the kind. A claim often made by knowledge advocates is that strategy teaching is ineffective. That isn’t the case. The claim confuses strategies with skills. Strategies help, skills not so much. Strategy proponents shouldn’t take solace in this. Though strategies can improve reading comprehension, it’s important not to overdo it – don’t spend too much ...

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13 May, 2018

How to Encourage Summer Reading: A Parent's Guide

Summer is almost upon us. The days are growing longer, the sun is higher in the sky, and soon school will be over for the year. Our children’s thoughts now turn to swimming, skateboards, baseball, and bike riding. Unfortunately, for far too many of kids, summer vacation is a time for forgetting. You’ve probably heard that “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” That’s certainly true about reading. Kids who don’t read over the summer regress. Their hard-earned reading skills decline. Boys and girls who manage to keep the rust off their reading, don’t suffer a summer reading drop.  By reading and writing throughout the summer, they may ...

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05 May, 2018

What Does It Mean to Follow a Program?

Years ago, I was invited to coach some teachers. I’ve done a lot of that over the past almost 50 years. I watch a lesson, and the teacher and I sit down and discuss how it may be improved. But this was going to be a strange situation. The school had adopted a curriculum program I’d developed. They hadn’t told me that. Now I was to critique teachers who were using my lessons. Uncomfortable territory. The principal assured me it would be fine since the classes using my stuff were doing well—better test scores than in the past. I wasn’t so sure. Two teachers were using the program: one was ...

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28 April, 2018

Should Reading Be Taught Whole Class or Small Group?

Blast from the Past: This entry first posted on April 28, 2018 and re-posted on November 23, 2019. I thought it a good idea to re-issue this posting now because of MIke Schmoker's recent column in Education Week ( I know lots of educators love the idea of working with small groups in reading, but that is not always best practice (though under the right circumstances it can be useful). This blog explores the ins and outs (and ups and downs) of small group instruction in reading. Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving). Teacher question: I was curious what your thoughts ...

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22 April, 2018

What text levels are appropriate for independent reading?

Teacher question: I am a reading specialist and a parent. My daughter is in first grade. Her classroom teachers have all the books in the classroom library leveled, and students are not allowed to go beyond their reading level during "Independent" reading. If the teacher assesses a child inaccurately then that child is stuck reading texts that may be too easy or too challenging. Also, every child knows what reading level they are on as well as everyone else's reading level; this Talk creates competition and negative feelings toward reading! Reading turns into a contest and inevitably some kids are going to feel bad about themselves. What if a student ...

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15 April, 2018

Knowing and Reading--What Can We Do to Make Sure Kids Know Enough to Comprehend

Last week, I was at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, helping roll out the new National Assessment scores (NAEP). I was on a panel with Marilyn Adams, Ian Rowe, Sue Pimentel, and Daniel Willingham. Yet again, our kids made few advances in reading. Dan, when asked what could be done to break out of these doldrums, explained the importance increasing what our kids know about the world. Atlantic summarized his point: “whether or not readers understand a text depends far more on how much background knowledge and vocabulary they have relating to the topic than on how much they’ve practiced comprehension skills.” Research has long shown the importance ...

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08 April, 2018

Making Decisions about Which Intervention is Best: A Case Study

Teacher question: I wonder if you could comment on your blog about this crazy idea that the reading specialists should change the program every 12 weeks if a student is not showing growth on the one-minute reading fluency measure. I have second grade student who reads 80 wcpm with 97% accuracy. She made great growth in the fall but has leveled out this winter. She is being removed her from my “program” to Wilson because an outside evaluator said that is what she needs. What do you think? Shanahan response: One thing is clear: No matter how I answer this question, somebody is going to be mad at me. That’s okay ...

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One of the world’s premier literacy educators.

He studies reading and writing across all ages and abilities. Feel free to contact him.